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Language and Terminology

As an exercise physiology student on any placement, it is vital that you understand, the correct terminology to use with the population you are working with. For more information, follow the links provided.


The information provided is not intended as a tool for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. If you would like to talk to someone about your own mental health, please speak to your GP or your university counselling service.

The information below has been reproduced with the kind permission of the Mental Health Coordinating Council. You can view the host content here




"Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great signficance to all involved. They carry a sense of hope and possibility or can be associated with a sense of pessimism and low expectations, both of which can influence personal outcomes" (1)


The Mental Health Coordinating Council has developed a Recovery Oriented Language Guide because language matters in mental health. We must use words that convey hope and optimism, and that support, and promote a culture that supports recovery (1).























  1. Mental Health Coordinating Council Inc (MHCC) (2013) MHCC Recovery Oriented Language Guide, Sydney, Australia

      Available from: MHCC Organisation Builder- Policy Resource: (accessed on 2/11/2015)

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